Holly as a Puppy...
Cute little Holly, around 9 weeks old. Holly was meant to become a service dog for
Helping Paws. It was clear, a year into her training that her skin allergies and personality were not well suited to the life of a service dog, so we arranged for her to live with a friend of ours, to whom she was very attached. She now lives the carefree life of a farm dog, where she has the run of seven acres and passes the time with seven cats, two horses, two donkeys, two llamas, and two pygmy goats.
Holly In the Entry...
Holly came over to visit today. I raised her to be a
Helping Paws service dog, but it was clear by the time she was a teenager that her allergies and her personality didn't make her well suited to be a service dog. She now lives with a friend of mine as a farm dog and has the run of 7 acres.
Holly in the Pasture...
Holly, the lab that lives at the farm, standing in the summer pasture. Time flies. She turns five this summer.
Holly In Her Element...
Holly, a Labrador Retriever, in her element. Holly was originally being trained to be a
Helping Paws Service Dog. Due to allergies, it was decided she was better suited to be a pet. She now lives on a seven acre farm where she gets to run and play, including in her very own wading pool.
Originally uploaded by
pmarkham - AKA Pete (USA)
Great photos from Pete who was kind enough to add them to the "Our Lovable Labradors" group on Flickr. Pete also publish a wonderful blog titled
The Minnesota Geek, make sure you stop by and say hi.
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