Posting your Photos / Videos to the Labrador Retriever Pictures Blog

February 25, 2010

Jack, Lary and Bailey 2/25/10

Jack and Lary

The yellow Labrador Retriever is Jack and the black is Lary.







All of our Labrador Retrievers are just under 5 years old. The perfect trio!!

Photos from: Pam (Canada)

Great photos Pam. Looks like somebody has their hands full!!

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February 22, 2010

Lobo 2/22/10

E-mail from Jennifer:

"G'day Fay,

Can't believe how time flies and our lab mates grow older...all of a sudden Lobo will turn 2 next month...

Seeing the latest photo of Mimi at 12 years old makes me realise that they are beautiful creatures through all the ages.

Who's a spoilt dog ????


This is Lobo heading to town ...


Always got to take your bone with you....who knows who you'll meet.


As we all know, Labs gain weight by breathing oxygen so Lobo has been on a diet and happily, the scales are now going the right way! He's a lovely happy boy.

Always enjoy the web site.


As always, thank you for keeping us updated with the ever wonderful Lobo. He looks great. I appreciate your sharing the photos of Lobo as he grows!

See more of Lobo:

Lobo and Wally 10/23/09

Lobo 8/27/08

Mr Lobo 11/08/08

Lobo 12/22/08

Lobo 01/13/09

Lobo 3/27/09

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February 20, 2010

Hershey "Bear" 2/20/10

Hershey "Bear"

Here is a picture of our newest family member: Hershey "Bear". We got him from an AKC affiliated breeder in Pittsburgh, PA. He is 8 weeks old in this picture and is adjusting to his new home nicely. We have enrolled him in Puppy Education Classes to start the training process. As of right now, Hershey's favorite activities are chasing our Shih-Tzu named Buster and chewing on a Rope.

Photo from: Nathan (USA)

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February 12, 2010

Mimi 2/12/10

Sunbathing Mimi...

sunbathing mimi

My family's 11 year-old Labrador Retriever; Cimuning Farm Y Princess (a.k.a Mimi) was sunbathing. She actually begins to look old.

Mimi's patented classic look...

Mimi's patented classic look

Mimi with her favorite toy...

mimi with her favorite toy

Mimi LOVES to play with empty mineral water bottle. She even has her own storage place! You can see how CUTE her expression is. She was looking at my mother when my mother walked out from the kitchen. Wonderful Mimi!

Mimi takes a bath...

mimi takes a bath!

Before and after. Yesterday was manicure, means today is bathing day. Mimi loves it as much as I hate snails.

Photos from: eastangerine - AKA Anissa (China)

Thanks you for joining the Our Lovable Labradors group Anissa. Great photos.

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February 08, 2010

Sem 2/8/10



11 weeks old.

Sem 5 month´s old...

Sem 5 month´s old


Sem with small branch =)

Sem with small branch =)

Uploaded by Martin Maier - Parts Unknown

Great photos Martin and thank you for joining the Our Lovable Labradors group on Flick. Visit Martin's photo blogs at:

Labrador Sem

Maier's Photos

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February 05, 2010

Maggie 2/5/10


Maggie May at age two, best dog you could ever ask for!


Maggie learning how to jump through a hoola-hoop, perfected it in about 15 min!

Photos from: Angie (USA)

A big congratulations to Maggie on perfecting the hoola-hoop jump. Thanks Angie!

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February 02, 2010

Charlie 2/2/10

My dog (taken in my back garden summer 2008)...

my dog (taken in my back garden summer 2008)

Charlie my seven year old Labrador .taken in the back garden summer 2007.



My dog charlie dressed in one of my old tshirt for Halloween.

Charlie In The Snow

charlie In The Snow.

Charlie Our Labrador...

Charlie Our Labrador.

Lazy Little Gitt.

My my that's old!

my my that's old!

Uploaded by Tony Sullivan (Scotland)

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