Posting your Photos / Videos to the Labrador Retriever Pictures Blog

April 24, 2011



Honey - yellow Labrador Retriever



Honey - yellow Labrador Retriever

Catching some air.


Honey - yellow Labrador Retriever

I thought this was pretty.


Honey - yellow Labrador Retriever

Honey was worried I wasn't keeping up.. I love the look of concern.

Honey and Wiley...

Honey - yellow Labrador Retriever

I hope they are nice and tired!!

Photos from: anmllver2002 (parts unknown)

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April 21, 2011


Doggone Good Dog...

Tiffany - yellow Labrador Retriever

A puppy not longer, Tiffany is now eleven years old. Most labs usually aren't around much longer than 12 years. We're hoping Tiffany breaks a record in that department. She's really a good dog.

Great Expectations!

Tiffany - yellow Labrador Retriever

No smokes for me! Tiffany waits patiently outside a convenience store. She's come to now expect a treat if someone goes in a store.

News Flash! Dog Accused of Eating The Easter Bunny!

Tiffany - yellow Labrador Retriever

Children all over the world are hysterical over the demise of their beloved "Easter bunny'. TIFFANY HART of Lenox, Ma has been charged with the heinous crime. This case is expected to go to court during the "Dog Days" of summer.

Photos from: Photographic Poetry - AKA Roger (USA)

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April 18, 2011

April 15, 2011


Five week old Blue...

Blue - yellow Labrador Retriever

Blue when she was a little over five weeks old in January '06 when it was unusually warm in Michigan.


Blue - yellow Labrador Retriever

Two weeks after we got them. We were taking them for a walk.

Blue on the dirt pile...

Blue - yellow Labrador Retriever

Blue on the dirt mound in our backyard.

Blue - yellow Labrador Retriever

All Hail the Princess Blue!

Photos from Miss Wendy Bird - AKA Wendy (USA)

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April 12, 2011


Puppy Bath...

Laila had her first bath today! :)

black Labrador Retriever - Laila

This brilliant idea hit me! I'm going to make a stop action of Laila growing up.
I figured I'd be taking tons of pictures of her anyways, so I might as well make a little frame-by-frame documentary of her getting bigger and bigger :)

Photo and video from: Rachel Porter (USA)

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April 08, 2011


Thirsty Apolo...

Apolo - yellow Labrador Retriever

Probando la camara nueva nomas, y lo piye tomando agua

Apolo - yellow Labrador Retriever

My Curious Puppy, Apolo

Apolo - yellow Labrador Retriever

My Beloved Ones...

Zeus and Apolo, The dogs tht I'll always love.

Photos from: grasslich (Chile)

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April 01, 2011


Dixie Watching...

Dixie - black Labrador Retriever

Photo snapped of my parents' rescued lab in her favorite window. She is the sweetest dog ever. She came to my parents from an unknown first home that left her with only half a tail. However, she lost none of her heart or faith in people even though she had every right to. Love this girl.

Dixie Sleeping...

Dixie - black Labrador Retriever

Photo snapped of my parents' rescued lab resting in front of her favorite window.

Photos from: booturtle

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