HRCH Carolina's Smoke Raizin Cayne
Stuttgart, Arkansas 2006... It was a cripple and he had to put on a chase. The bird turned and hissed at him... then he turned to look at me... with a look of ... what the hell? I proceeded with FETCH IT UP ! So, this is his first bird of the season.
Bubba Cayne cooling off in Dad's fountain. oops!
Bubba had been running in 80 degree heat over 70 acres and this is the only water in site! He tried to lay down but obviously he is too big. He turned around in a circle about ten times and just gave up.
Photos From: Terrye Lyne (USA)
Terrye Lyne also owns a beautiful Labrador named Tessa' 6/07/07.
Technorati Tags: labrador retriever pictures, labrador retriever, chocolate labrador retriever, chocolate lab,dogs, pets, labs, labrador, retriever