Posting your Photos / Videos to the Labrador Retriever Pictures Blog

May 31, 2007

Bubba Cayne 6/01/07

HRCH Carolina's Smoke Raizin Cayne

HRCH Carolina's Smoke Raizin Cayne

Stuttgart, Arkansas 2006

Stuttgart, Arkansas 2006... It was a cripple and he had to put on a chase. The bird turned and hissed at him... then he turned to look at me... with a look of ... what the hell? I proceeded with FETCH IT UP ! So, this is his first bird of the season.

Bubba Cayne cooling off

Bubba Cayne cooling off in Dad's fountain. oops!

Bubba had been running in 80 degree heat over 70 acres and this is the only water in site! He tried to lay down but obviously he is too big. He turned around in a circle about ten times and just gave up.

Photos From: Terrye Lyne (USA)

Terrye Lyne also owns a beautiful Labrador named Tessa' 6/07/07.

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May 30, 2007

Archie 5/30/07

black labrador retriever

Archie Sitting Proudly

black lab

I won't move until the ball does......

Photos From: br1tincan (Canada)

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May 24, 2007

Ruby 5/24/07

red labrador retriever

Just hanging out

yellow labrador retriever

yellow lab

Ruby Checking out the new fence in the back yard

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May 19, 2007

Teddy 5/19/2007

black labrador retriever

Pensive Teddy... I'm thinking it's about time for a walk

black labrador

Don't splash me... Missy is having trouble with the big guy.

Photos From: Peter ( South Africa )

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May 16, 2007

Jake 05/16/07

black labrador retriever

1 year 10 month old, beautiful black lab - Jake

black labrador

I am way to cute!!!!!

Thanks Cherie for the adorable photos of Jake. To read more on Jake and the e-mail Cherie sent, click: Does a Labrador Retriever need a Haircut

Just one thing here everyone, the photos of Jake are copyrighted, with Cherie paying for the photos. I'm asking a favor on this one. Please don't copy and reprint the photos of Jake. Thank you.

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May 13, 2007

Abby 5/13/07

yellow labrador retriever

yellow labrador


Abby has had surgery on both of her hips and 1 of her knees because of hip dysplasia, so she is a very special dog. She is now 2 and a half years old and is a very sweet girl. We have 2 cats, and she loves to play and cuddle with them too.

Photos From: Jennifer (USA)

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May 11, 2007

Eiko 5/11/07

black labrador retriever

Queen of the beach!

black labrador

Mad look. She's thinking: "What are they doing to me now?"

black lab

Soapy coiffure!

After the soaping, the rinsing will begin soon...On this picture, Eiko is attached to a bucket full of water. Otherwise she would have been rubbing of the soap on the walls and windows! Once attached to the bucket, my sister Florence was able to take this picture (notice the different point of view)!

Love the photos Daphné, thank you. My personal favorite is the shot of Eiko getting a bath.

I also want to add that Eiko has been trained to be a service dog in Belgium, with her training being done by Hachiko. Big congratulations to Eiko and Daphné !!

Photos From: Daphné (Belgium)

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May 09, 2007

Cosmo 5/09/07

yellow labrador retriever

This is our first yellow Labrador. He is a pure joy!

From: Connie (USA)

Connie sent me an e-mail in regards to Cosmo having a problem with hair loss from both of his sides. To read more on Cosmo: Yellow Labrador Retriever Losing Hair on Sides - part I

Thanks for the photo Connie, he is a handsome Labrador Retriever. I'm happy to hear he is doing better!

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May 04, 2007

Todt 5/04/07

yellow labrador retriever - Todt

Cicciotto bagnato. Ma non provate a dire che è ciccione!!! E' giusto così!!!

yellow labrador

Head Tilt

yellow lab

Todt in cima. Un fedele ogni nostra culata lui era sempre li pronto a salvarci!!! Che cane da salvataggio!!!

From: Luca (Italy)

Thank you Luca for the use of the beautiful photos of Todt. I must say, he is a very solid boy!

Grazie Luca per l'uso delle foto belle di Todt. Devo dire, lui sono un ragazzo molto solido!

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May 02, 2007

Lola 5/02/07

chocolate labrador retriever puppy - Lola

10 week old chocolate Labrador Retriever - Lola

chocolate lab puppy - Lola

labrador puppy - Lola

Adorable Lola at 14 weeks of age

From: Priscilla (USA)

To read more on Lola and the problem she he with red eyes click: Chocolate Labrador Puppy with Red Eyes

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Dixie and Juicy

labrador retrievers

Our babies


The best dogs in the world

To see more of these two Labrador Retrievers just click on their names.

Dixie 4/29/07

Juicy 4/30/07

From: Christine (USA)

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